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Statutory Information

The Secretary of State for Education has, from September 2012, instructed all schools to display certain items of information on their websites. Some of this information is duplicated in other areas of the website, but in summary, the information is shown below.

Name and Address

See Contact Us Page

Admissions arrangements

Link to view our

Charging and Remissions Policy

The Dorset Studio School Charging and Remissions Policy can be found here.

Key Stage 4 Results 2023

Achievements and Performance

Summer Examinations 2023

Combined English and Maths at grade 4 and above 32%
Combined English and Maths at grade 5 and above 6%
English and Maths
  Grade 4 and above Grade 5 and above Progress
English Lang 40% 22% -0.72
English Lit 34% 17% -1.11
Maths 39% 16% -0.44
Ebacc Subjects
Geography 36% 16% -0.92
Science 39% 23% -0.22
Technical subjects
  % At Pass % at Merit % at Distinction
Travel and Tourism 33% 32% 13%
Animal Care 25% 22% 27%
Land Based Studies 17% 36% 19%
Overall cohort score
Progress 8 – 3 Vocational qualifications have not been included in this score. -0.09
Attainment 8 3.4
Progress for Disadvantaged and Vulnerable Students
Pupil premium students -0.45
SEND students -0.34
Previous High Achieving students – 2 students -0.80


Full information regarding the curriculum on offer to students is available in the Curriculum area of this website, including a summary of courses and other information relevant to each subject area.

Pupil Premium

  • Eligible for and in receipt of Free School Meals, or have been in the last 6 years
  • Looked after children
  • Children of members of HM Armed Services

Full information regarding Pupil Premium is available in the Information area of the website.

Behaviour Policy

Link to view our Behaviour-Rewards-Policy 23

Special Educational Needs

Link to view our SEN Policy

SEND Information Report


Link to view our DSS Child Protection Policy – KCSIE 2023 update (1)

Link to view the Dfe document: DFE Keeping children safe in edcuation 2023

  • Ofsted logo
  • United against Bullying logo
  • Eco Schools logo
  • John Muir logo
  • Pearsons logo
  • Careers hub logo