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Animal Care BTEC Level 2


ANIMAL CARE BTEC Level 1 / 2 First Award in Animal Care 

What is this subject about? 

This course is for students who enjoy working with animals and covers a wide range of aspects of animal care including work with farm animals, domestic pets and exotics. 

What shall I learn? 


  • Component 1- Animal handling
  • Component 2 - Animal Housing and accommodation
  • Component 3 - Animal Health and Welfare 


How shall I learn? 

Theory lessons are complemented by practical tasks. The course is mainly controlled assessment based (Assignments) with one exam unit, so it is essential to be prepared for report writing, research and revision. 

As part of the practical coursework, you will be expected to wear wellington boots and overalls to undertake a range of animal health, handling and accommodation tasks on the farm. We will also need to take photographs and videos of yourself carrying out various activities as part as your assessment evidence. 

What does the qualification cover? 

The Tech Award gives learners the opportunity to develop sector-specific knowledge and skills in a practical learning environment. Learners will have the opportunity to develop knowledge and practical skills in the following areas: 

● animal health and welfare, including signs of good and ill health, causes, transmission and treatment of common diseases in animals, the different health and monitoring checks, and the use of animals in society

 ● factors affecting animal behaviour, the impact on handling and restraint, and when it is safe and unsafe to handle and restrain animals, and the practical application of safe handling and restraint techniques and equipment 

● features that need to be considered when selecting accommodation for animals to ensure it is appropriate and meets their needs, and the practical activities of preparing, checking and cleaning out animal accommodation using the appropriate equipment.



Course Title: 

BTEC Level 1/2 

First Award in Animal Care 

Examination Board: 



Level 1 equivalent to 3 grade at GCSE (only awarded in case of failure to achieve Level 2 pass) 

Level 2 equivalent to 9 – 4 grade at GCSE 

Assessment details: 

60% continuous assessment through assignments in controlled conditions and practical tasks. There is also an examination making up 40% of the final outcome. The course is graded pass, merit, distinction and distinction *. 

Career and other important information: 

Successful students will be able to progress on to Level 3 animal care or other land based and science qualifications, followed by university or employment within the sector. Career options include Animal Care Assistants, Animal Welfare Officers, Veterinary Nursing, Animal Trainer, Groomer.



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